Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Great Debate

I, Jamie, have started a blog called Raisin Toast, and I’m employing two regular contributors: Funny-Jamie and Serious-Jamie. To open the blog, Funny-Jamie and Serious-Jamie will have a debate over whether or not the blog should exist. Serious-Jamie, you have the first word:
SJ: Well, Jamies, i’m not sure whether this blog is a good idea. You’ve already used the word “Jamie” seven times, and you’ve barely begun your first post. This blog could just be a shameful attention grab.
FJ:  Na mon, dont be so serious,  Serious-Jamie
SJ: hey, hang-on, that wasn’t even funny. If that was “Funny-Jamie”, then this blog wont be funny. That was just a mock Jamaican accent, and a dig at my double-barrelled name. I was expecting this blog to have some intelligent humour
FJ: Screw you!
SJ: God, you are just an agro prick.
FJ: Did you just call god an “agro prick”??
SJ: NO!! I called y...
FJ: *prays to god*
SJ: What?! Funny-Jamie cant pray to god: that insinuates that god is a joke. Thats outrageous
FJ: When you cut down my Jamaican accent, you said you were looking for intelligent humour!
SJ: But...
FJ: ... But that was just an excuse wasn't it? Clearly you wouldn't know intelligent humour if it danced right over your dry expressionless face. If this blog is to go on, you must declare your unfounded and bitter disdain for Jamaicans.
SJ: Screw you!
SJ: What?
SJ: What? I dont hate Jamaicans. Fine I hate Jamaicans.  
FJ: See, how weird is that.
SJ: Keep the blog?
FJ: Yeah ok

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